Nebraska's governor helps laws for a winner-take-all system – giving all electoral votes to the candidate who wins probably the most votes within the state.


Nebraska Governor Jim Pilen – TGP Screengrab

governor of nebraska Jim Pilen introduced Tuesday that he helps proposed laws that will give all electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins probably the most votes within the conservative state.

Nebraska presently makes use of the congressional district methodology to apportion its electoral votes for presidential candidates.

Nebraska has used this method since 1992. In latest elections the state would cut up its votes between the 2 events.

The state allocates two electoral votes to the statewide winner, however permits every congressional district to award one electoral vote to the favored vote winner in its particular locality.

Now there’s a motion in Nebraska to abolish this method and return to being a winner-take-all state like 48 different states.

Gov. Jim Pilen introduced Tuesday that he would help the transfer and signal the laws.

President Trump once more referred to as this information true.

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