Lawyer *Arguments for Disbarment* Trump RICO defendant Jeffrey Clark calls Georgia Secretary of State a “corrupt particular person” over election fraud claims


“Never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer” is an age-old unwritten 'law' in court proceedings. The reason for this is that it may cause unexpected losses in one's case. This became clear yesterday during the Washington DC-based disbarment hearing of former Trump DOJ official and co-RICO defendant in Fulton County, Jeffrey Clark.

During the cross-examination of's Garland Favorito, counsel for the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) asked Favorito:

“So, given the things you talked about today, can you list for us the things that you believe are evidence Real Has fraud been committed?”

Favorito responded by drawing several conclusions from his organization's years-long investigation:

  • In “about 70 counties” original ballot images were destroyed despite laws requiring them to be preserved.
  • Analysis of Fulton County ballot images that were electronically altered prior to authentication in 2020 have still not been properly investigated
  • There were at least 8,000 double-copy ballots in Chatham County.
  • There were 8,000 double-scanned ballots statewide (Favorito admits it may not be fraud, but rather errors or a mix of fraud and errors, but “until it's investigated, we won't have any way of knowing.”) There is no way)

ODC's attorneys interrupt Favorito at that point and specifically ask about instances of fraud that “are in the public record” and “not something they investigated and disclosed.”

Favorito responded that there were mail-in ballots that were not folded as they were mailed, nor were they printed on the correct paper stock. Affidavits of senior election-managers being used in court cases “now” were, according to him, marked with toner (from a printer) rather than with a writing instrument. Favorito explains that these were known not only before January 3, but before December 3 (2020).

When the ODC attorney asks, “There were 100 of those ballots, correct?”

Favorito replies:

,Nobody knows how many ballots (there) were because we've spent three years Efforts are being made in the court to obtain those ballot papers as public records. We actually appealed our case to the Georgia Supreme Court. We won the case in the Georgia Supreme Court. He declared that we always stood firm and that the Superior Court had made a complete mistake. That matter went back. Then they handed it over to another judge, who we believed was very impartial. We filed a motion for separation. That's why even after three years we didn't find out that six of the affidavits for the ballot papers were fake. This is not a proper method of investigation. And, the Secretary of State's Office filed an amicus brief against us to try to prevent us from seeing the ballots,

What kind of Secretary of State would have done this?”

This is where the proverbial mic-drop occurs. Remember, “Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.” Perhaps in a moment of bewilderment, to the question “What kind of Secretary of State would have done this”, the ODC lawyer responded:

“I think he is a corrupt person.”

Favorito immediately replied, “That's it.” Yours Opinion, not mine.”

ODC Counsel is not arguing on behalf of anyone in the State of Georgia, Fulton County or any election entity. He is arguing vigorously for the office of disciplinary counsel. However, the status of their argument for firing Jeffrey Clark should be at least somewhat consistent with the argument that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election, which, with respect to Georgia, has been wrongly reported by Georgia officials since 2020. Has been declared properly.

To state “a corrupt person, I think” regarding the Chief Elections Officer of the State of Georgia when presented with not only evidence of significant election issues that have not been comprehensively examined since 2020, but allowing Ambiguity has also been introduced in the judicial process for. Public transparency is a damaging blow not only to the disarmament case, but also to claims made by the Georgia Secretary of State regarding the 2020 election.

While most election claims brought in connection with the 2020 election were dismissed on procedural grounds before an evidentiary hearing, most Mockingbird media outlets have neglected to acknowledge this, in places like Fulton County and at dismissal hearings Criminal cases have come to light. John Eastman in California and now Jeffrey Clark in DC have allowed evidentiary claims to be heard on the record and under oath.

Garland Favorito and's 2020 ballot inspection case was sent back to Superior Court 468 Several days ago and still waiting for hearing.

The criminal RICO case in Fulton County is shaping up to be a blockbuster event.

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